Mark E. Gregg – CEO
Prior to founding KiwiEnergy in 2000, Mark Gregg began his career with The Superior Oil Company, followed by Mobil Oil and Edge Petroleum, primarily in exploration roles, including several years in both Indonesia and Nigeria. Mr. Gregg has over 30 years of successful exploration experience and is responsible for numerous significant discoveries along the Gulf Coast and in Nigeria. Mr. Gregg received his B.Sc., Geophysical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines and MBA from the Bauer College of Business, University of Houston. Mr. Gregg is Chairman of the Board of Directors of YES Prep Public Schools, Past Chairman of the Houston Chapter of the Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists and a member of SEG, AAPG, Houston Producer's Forum and IPAA. Mark and his wife Debra are active supporters of YES Prep Public Schools, DePelchin Children's Center, Geoscientists without Borders© and the UH Bauer College of Business.
Larry Wilson – President & Chief Operating Officer
Larry Wilson was formerly with Anadarko Petroleum in drilling and production supervisory roles in the Gulf of Mexico and Algeria. Mr. Wilson previously worked for Transocean/R&B Falcon/Cliffs serving as Engineering Supervisor for turnkey drilling offshore Gulf of Mexico and inland waters and as General Manager, International Engineering Services in support of turnkey drilling operations for client PDVSA. Mr. Wilson began his career with Cliffs Drilling Co. in 1987 where he served in various Operational and Engineering roles in the Gulf of Mexico, Texas, Louisiana and Venezuela. Mr. Wilson earned a B.S. in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M University and is a member of SPE and American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE).
Leonard Hruzek – Chief Financial Officer
Leonard Hruzek joined Kiwi in April, 2014. Mr. Hruzek started his career as an auditor in the Energy Division of Arthur Andersen & Co.'s Houston office. His clients included Mitchell Energy & Development Corp., Columbia Gas Development Corporation, and other oil and gas exploration and production companies. After leaving Arthur Andersen & Co., Mr. Hruzek served in a variety of roles at Mesa Petroleum Corporation. As Controller, he managed all aspects of the Accounting Department. He also spent a great amount of time on financing, merger and acquisition activities while at Mesa. He worked three years as Vice President, Marketing and Land for Mesa. Mr. Hruzek also served as Chief Financial Officer of Greenhill Petroleum Corporation. Before joining Square Mile, Mr. Hruzek was Controller of Consolidated Graphics, Inc., a large printing firm with 70 companies in 27 states. Mr. Hruzek earned a B.B.A. degree in Accounting from Texas A&M University and is a Certified Public Accountant.
Connie C. Noble – Vice President, Land
Prior to joining KiwiEnergy, Connie Noble was Land Manager at Cox & Perkins Exploration, Inc., where during her 21-year tenure she was involved in every aspect of land work, specializing in lease and contract negotiations, title analysis and due diligence. Ms. Noble received her B.Sc., Petroleum Land Management from the University of Houston (1991). Ms. Noble is a member of Houston Association of Professional Landmen (HAPL), the American Association of Professional Landmen (AAPL) and the Women's Energy Network. She is Past President of Houston Area Council of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority.
Dennis E. Gregg – Vice President
Dennis Gregg has had a distinguished career in the oil industry spanning several decades. Beginning in 1950, Mr. Gregg held several senior level positions with Conoco including Vice President of E&P for various areas including Europe, North and East Africa, Middle East, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. Mr. Gregg is currently President of Tulip Energy, LLC, an independent E&P company. Mr. Gregg received his B.Sc., Petroleum Engineering (1950) at the Colorado School of Mines and completed Harvard's International Senior Management Program. Mr. Gregg is active in the Society of Petroleum Engineers where he served as President in 1986, was awarded SPE's DeGolyer Distinguished Service Medal in 1996 and co-chaired SPE Foundation's recent fund-raising effort which raised more than $6 million. He received Colorado School of Mine's Distinguished Achievement Medal in 1994.
Kirk H. Van Sickle – Explorationist
Kirk has over 38 years of extensive international and domestic 3D prospect generation experience which has resulted in drilling over 50 successful wells in 6 geologic basins. After graduating from the University of Arkansas in 1980 with a B.S. degree in Geology, Kirk worked for Mobil Oil for 17 years which included exploration and production assignments in New Orleans, Dallas, Denver, Bakersfield and Lagos, Nigeria. After leaving Mobil, he successfully explored in South Louisiana for Edge Petroleum and in the Gulf of Mexico for Stone Energy. He joined Square Mile Energy in October 2003.
Mark Norman – Explorationist
Mark Norman has over 34 years of experience in onshore Gulf Coast prospecting resulting in significant discoveries in multiple plays including Frio/Vicksburg, Cook Mountain/Yegua, and Wilcox/Midway formations.� His career began in 1982 as a geologist with Enserch Exploration which was followed by work at National Energy and Aspect Resources before becoming a consultant in 2002.� His experience since�1999 has focused on the generation, acquisition, and interpretation of large scale 3D projects along the Texas/Louisiana Gulf Coast.� Mr. Norman earned a BS degree in Geoscience from Stephen F. Austin State University in 1979 and an MS degree in Geoscience from the University of Texas in Dallas in 1982.� He is a member of the AAPG/HGS and the SEG.